8BitDigi reviews Immerse Gaming

8BitDigi reviews Immerse Gaming Hive

HIVE brings worlds to life

"While using it for my playthrough of Resident Evil 2 and Village it really intensified the atmospheric noise. It added a new level of eeriness that I have not encountered in previous play session of either game.The same could also be said about Metro: Exodus and Doom III, especially true when players are tossed into a dimly light building with little room to navigate. I will admit I was spooked a lot easier after finding the right settings. The sound sonar is now a valuable tool to detect the pursuer (be it Mr. X or Lady Dimitrescu) during a speed run."

"When using it during my play session of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, one will really appreciate the level of audio detail in the world. Sneaking around the battlefields of either Soviet-occupied Afghanistan or the Angola–Zaire border becomes a completely different experience. It really allows you to appreciate the level of detail that was put into creating this world."

"Immerse Gaming HIVE also gives layers a slight edge as demonstrated during my play session of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The immersive audio allows players to have better situational awareness and a better sense of their environment. Thus they have an edge to surprise or trap their opponents."

Check out the full review here.

We would love for you to experience how Immerse can elevate your gaming experience. You can download it for free, set it up in under a minute, and try it for yourself. Visit www.immerse.gg